If you’ve ever been to Israel, or if you know anyone that has ever asked you “do you want me to bring anything back from Israel?”, then I assume you know about Marzipan rugelach. No, the rugelach are not made with marzipan…it’s the name of the world famous bakery in Jerusalem. There is literally nothing […]
Mantecada Cakes
Today is a very special day because I added duck fat to a cake! YES, DUCK FAT!!! I know, I know, you think I’m insane and maybe I am…a little bit…but it also makes so much sense. These tiny cakes, known as Mantecadas, originated in Spain and they are traditionally made using lard. ‘Manteca’ means […]
Krembo Hamantaschen
Somehow I went through my entire life without ever eating a krembo! What was I thinking?!? Chocolate coating, fluffy meringue filling, biscuit on the bottom. There is literally nothing wrong with this combo. When you unwrap a krembo, the most important question becomes how the heck do you eat this thing? Unless you have a really big mouth, […]
Jalapeno Popper Hamantaschen
Hamantaschen season has officially begun!!! I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before but I seriously have a list of hamantaschen ideas that I update year round as ideas pop into my head. So when the time finally comes and Purim is a month(ish) away, I’m like a kid in a candy store. A sweet and savory, […]
Tongue Bulgogi
I hope today is the day you make tongue and I really hope it’s because of this recipe! I grew up eating tongue all the time (see my Savtah’s famous tongue recipe for more on that) and it’s become completely normal for my kids to eat it too. Tongue is so tender and meaty and […]