Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year, is quickly approaching and I can’t remember when it has ever been so early in the year! Summer is ending and the Jewish holidays are beginning. It’s nuts! So the Kosher Connection link-up challenge this month could really only be one topic to represent the approaching holiday…APPLES! We traditionally […]
Shaved Zucchini Salad with Honey-Lemon Dressing
Another great recipe inspired by my garden! My zucchini plant, which is practically taking over my garden, is finally growing beautiful green squash and I am jumping for joy. Since I really know nothing about gardening, I’ve been doing a lot of online research and I learned something very interesting about zucchini. The bigger they […]
Meatballs and Green Tomato Sauce
This recipe was inspired by my garden, which is really blooming now! Every morning, I check on the garden and pick anything that is ripe and ready to eat. So while picking some cherry tomatoes and jalapeños I was staring at those huge green tomatoes (which are really just underripe red tomatoes) and I decided to […]
Roasted Branzino Rice Paper Tacos
From the time my husband brought home a package of rice paper wraps a few months ago, I started jumping from one recipe idea to another, trying to decide what to make with these delicate and crunchy sheets for Kitchen Tested. You already saw the delicious Thai Rice Paper Rolls that I made with Chef […]
Salmon Burgers on Tomato Basil Buns {Gluten Free}
As many of you now know, I am trying out a gluten free lifestyle and so far, it’s been amazing! I don’t think gluten free is for everyone and I’m still testing if it’s right for me, but I can honestly say that I’ve never felt more in control of the food I eat. I’ll […]
Sweet Potato Toffee Ice Cream
I guess by now you all know that I have an obsession with making ice cream. I just can’t help myself! I love the creamy texture and how it cools me down on these hot and humid summer days in New York. I used to think that all ice cream was fattening and unhealthy but […]