Happy Purim! From the Strauss Family. I have fond memories of making homemade chocolate lollipops for my families mishloach manot growing up. I unfortunately also remember being really stressed out by the sight of 50 empty boxes that needed to be filled with snacks and homemade cinnamon buns, then labeling them for all of the family friends that would […]
Guinness Milkshake
Happy St. Patrick’s Day!!! I am definitely not Irish and neither is Justin, but he sure wishes he was. In fact, I once bought him a square foot of land in Ireland for his birthday and he was the happiest man I ever saw. So I was all for it when Justin asked me to […]
BOKA Balsamic Jelly (sort of)
I never really read Bon Appetit magazine before because I thought the recipes were just too complicated! But ever since I began taking on the adventure of cooking untraditional and challenging recipes, the fancy foods that always intimidated me are no longer my vice. Now, I rip out recipe after recipe from the magazine! Hopefully […]
80’s Party Funnel Cakes!
Happy 30th birthday to Tova Small…and thanks for throwing a rockin’ 80’s birthday party. But who knew that getting all dressed up and playing Nintendo would lead to frying dough! I thought Tova’s husband, Adam, was joking when he said he was going to make funnel cakes. I mean, are funnel cakes even from the […]
Creole Jambalaya
In honor of Mardi Gras, I decided to make a very spicy jambalaya for dinner! For anyone who doesn’t know, Jambalaya is a Louisiana Creole dish of Spanish and French influence and as it turns out, there are three different versions. THAT I didn’t know! The “red Creole jambalaya” is the most common version made with tomatoes […]
Yorkshire Pudding Beef Pie
Have you ever heard of Yorkshire Pudding? Until I saw this bread-like dish on “The Best Thing I Ever Ate” on The Food Network, I hadn’t either. While watching the ‘Best Thing I Ever Made for the Holidays’ episode that was saved on my DVR, chef Alex Guarnaschelli showed us her recipe for roast prime rib with yorkshire […]