While doing some recipe research for inspiration, I came across a few recipes for kiss cookies and I was immediately intrigued. Not only had I never tasted a kiss cookie, but I’d never even heard of it! These soft and crumbly cookies that you can just pop in your mouth looked too good to be […]
Dark Spiced Hot Chocolate
I’m very excited to introduce this guest post from Avital Greenbaum, a fellow blogger, Registered Dietitian and friend. Her blog, A Slice of Nutrition, is all about helping the average person add healthy choices into the daily routine. It aims to teach nutrition and hopefully help people achieve real goals regarding their wellness. You should all know by […]
Roasted Beet Noodle & Sausage Lasagna
I recently purchased another CSA-style package of seasonal vegetables from Gilt Taste (I couldn’t help myself) and in the box were a variety of beautiful heirloom beets. I didn’t even know that heirloom beets existed but there they were in all their colorful glory, just begging to be cooked! I used to hate beets but I’m […]
Deconstructed Peanut Butter & Jelly Doughnuts
You would think I’d be all fried out by now, considering all of the latkes and sufganiyot I’ve been surrounded with (and eating) this holiday season. Yeah, I baked my own doughnuts but that doesn’t mean everyone else didn’t choose to fry up their own. So when I made another batch of baked doughnuts for […]
Chocolate Chip Almond Biscotti {Feature Friday}
Congratulations to Penina Schoenfeld, this weeks Feature Friday winner with her perfect-for-the-holidays Chocolate Chip Almond Biscotti. If you would like to be featured on Kitchen Tested, it’s as easy as submitting a recipe here. These biscotti are my go-to for an easy (yet semi-elegant) dessert for parties. Even if you don’t like coconut, as long as […]
Eggnog Cranberry Rice Fritters: Please Vote!
Hi Everyone! My Eggnog Cranberry Rice Fritter Recipe is a finalist in the Joy of Kosher ‘Favorite Fried Dessert’ contest! And it’s so easy to vote! Just click on my recipe’s thumbs up button. http://www.joyofkosher.com/2011/12/vote-for-your-favorite-fried-dessert-creation/