I am addicted to Pinterest! Anyone who is a member of this fantastic website for organizing the things you find on the web probably knows why. Every time I find a recipe that I love, I just ‘Pin It’ and it automatically saves on my Pinterest page. I can browse other people’s pinboards and even […]
Tomates Cherry En Escabeche
Tomates Cherry En Escabeche. Translation: Pickled Cherry Tomatoes. I LOVE preserving, pickling and candying anything I can get my hands on! So far, I’ve pickled nectarines, candied jalapenos and I make my own fruit preserves all the time. I even got my very own water-bath canner for Chanukah but I haven’t had the chance to try it […]
Brussels Sprout and Grape Pot Pie
Lately, I’ve been really trying to eat healthy and stick to Weight Watchers but things don’t always go as planned. The days always start off well with healthy breakfasts and lunches but then the snacking begins…and I seriously love to snack! I try to keep healthful snacks in the house but sometimes I just want […]
Delicious CARA-MEL’S
AT LAST! For the last few weeks, I’ve been spending a lot of time perfecting my non-dairy caramel recipe and I’ve finally done it! I’ve created a chocolate covered caramel with absolutely no dairy that is creamy and delicious. So I decided I should share my caramels with the world and I hope you enjoy […]
Candied Lime Peels
I’m not even sure what to say about this recipe! Lots of peeling. Lots of slicing. And lots of boiling. Was it all worth it? Sure. Would I do it again? Sure…if someone wants to prepare the peels for me! I felt like I was cutting and slicing lime peels forever but I’m happy to […]
Cornbread Whoopie Pies
I love whoopie pies of all flavors and colors; chocolate, pumpkin, maple, oatmeal, peanut butter, chocolate chip, etc. If you can think it up, I will eat it! But I’ve never had a savory whoopie pie before and it’s been on my to-do list for a while. Cornbread seemed to make the most sense for […]