I love fudge (who doesn’t?!?) but so many of the recipes I’ve seen call for sweetened condensed milk or tons of sugar. Since I’m currently on a health kick and always looking for non-dairy desserts, I figured I would take a shot at a healthier fudge that still has that creamy texture and rich flavor […]
Slow Cooker Spinach Meatballs and Spaghetti Squash
Sometimes an idea just works and sometimes it’s so simple that you wonder why you didn’t think of it sooner. I love eating spaghetti squash but I never really enjoyed the process of making it. Do I microwave it? Cook in the oven? Ugh. Can someone just cook the squash for me and then I […]
No-Bean Chili with Roasted Butternut Squash
It’s absolutely freezing in New York and I can think of one really good way I want to warm up…eat CHILI! This isn’t your average “throw everything in a pot  and walk away” chili (nothing wrong with that kind of chili but I wanted something more). This chili has depth! Layer and layers of flavor […]
Bourbon Pine Nut Camembert en Croute
I know I’ve made brie on the blog before and wasn’t really such a big fan of it, but can you really go wrong with adding bourbon, pine nuts, honey and dried cherries to anything? I’m pretty sure a shoe would taste good with all of those ingredients! But we aren’t making a shoe here […]
Gingerbread Meringues
Meringues are one of my favorite snacks and I can never get enough of them. When I was a kid, my Savtah used to make huge batches of these delicate little treats and keep them in a Cambro container in the closet. Why in the closet? Maybe so we would stay out of her way […]
S’mores Chocolate Ravioli
Since starting my blog almost three years ago (crazy blogaversary post coming up in January), I’ve made so many incredible friends in the blogging community and there even a few that I chat with on an almost-daily basis. We don’t just talk about food but it definitely takes up a good portion of our conversations. […]