Time for another Thanksgivukkah recipe! Seriously, isn’t this the best time of the year?!? It’s a time for me to turn traditional recipes in to something new and unique. Growing up in Seattle, there was a tradition every year on Chanukah for many of the women in the community to volunteer and fry fresh bimuelos for […]
Chocolate Gelt Pecan Pie
I am really excited to share this post with you since it’s my first official Thanksgivukkah post! If you’re wondering what Thanksgivukkah is, I’m guessing you haven’t been on a computer in at least a month because this Chanukkah-Thanksgiving hybrid holiday is everywhere! On November 28, 2013, we will be experiencing something so special that […]
Pumpkin Grilled Cheese with Apples and Cheddar
This is pretty much the best grilled cheese I’ve ever made! Need I say more? So basically, I am just so excited that Thanksgiving is coming up and the grocery stores are filling up with fresh pumpkin again. I’m a huge fan of canned pumpkin for many recipes but sometimes fresh pumpkin really does the […]
Mushroom-Eggplant Tofu Burger
My daughter is really obsessed with hamburgers these days and I love how she can finish an entire huge burger in a bun for dinner. The burgers are bigger than her head! So I thought I would try making her a new type of burger to switch things up a little and I would say […]
Sour Cherry Flourless Chocolate Cake
In honor of my recent trip to my hometown of Seattle, Washington, I’ve decided to make a recipe inspired by the rich and flavorful foods I’ve brought back with me to New York. On my walk through Pike Place Market with my family, I bought a few new items that I’d never tasted before, including Chukar Cherry […]
Orange Julius Ice Cream {Dairy Free}
When I was a kid, I used to love going to the mall with mom for only one reason…Orange Julius! A frothy mixture of orange juice concentrate, milk, sugar and vanilla blended to perfection. They have tons of flavors that I enjoy, including Strawberry and OrangeBerry, but the original Orange is still the best and […]