I received the Versatile Blogger Award from Sara at My Imperfect Kitchen and I am jumping over the moon about it! I share my award with some other incredible food blogs; Savory Simple, Sumptuous Spoonfuls, Forkful of Comfort and Ally’s Kitchen and I’m happy to be a part of this incredible foodie community.
When a blogger gets this award, they are asked to thank the person who gave them the award with a backlink to them (thanks again, Sara), list 7 things about themselves and award 5 other deserving bloggers with their own Versatile Blogger Award! So here we go…
7 Things About Me:
1. I’ve lived in New York for 10 years but I was born and raised in beautiful Seattle, Washington.
2. I have Type 1 Diabetes and I was diagnosed Christmas Eve 2001 (my freshman year of college) with a blood sugar level of OVER 1,000!
3. I love macaroni n’ cheese and no matter what diet I am on (usually Weight Watchers), I will always take a break for that cheesy creamy goodness.
4. I have finally lost all of the baby weight from my daughter Nora, who is 1 and a 1/2. Now, to lose 10 more pounds…
5. I drink peach flavored Crystal Light all day long.
6. My 3 and 1/2 year old son, Zachy, cracked one of his front teeth and is having it taken out. It’ll grow back eventually, right?
7. I sell CARA-MEL’S! Check out my delicious non-dairy chocolate covered cara-mels and don’t forget to place an order. They are so delicious.
Now to award 5 adventurous and delicious bloggers with the Versatile Blogger Award:
3. Baking Bites
Keep on cooking and experimenting in your kitchen!