
The Beginner’s Guide To Cold Brew Coffee


  • 1 cup coarsely ground coffee (you actually want to see pieces of the coffee bean or it’s not coarse enough)
  • 5 cups filtered water

Special Equipment

  • large container or pitcher
  • a strainer, such as a fine mesh sieve
  • cheesecloth
  • a container for storing the cold brew


Immersion Cold Brew Method

  1. Place coffee ground into a large container or pitcher. Pour the water on top then gently stir with a spoon. You want all of the coffee to be saturated with water.
  2. Cover the container and set aside on the counter at room temperature for 20-24 hours. Do not exceed 24 hours or the coffee beans will over-extract and your coffee will be bitter.
  3. Line a strainer with cheesecloth and place over a large bowl. Pour the brewed coffee through the strainer to catch all of the coffee grounds so they don’t end up in your coffee. If there are any little pieces of coffee grounds that passed through the strainer, repeat this process a second time until your cold brew coffee is clear.
  4. Transfer the coffee to a jar or pitcher and store in the fridge for up to 4 weeks.


  • The important thing to note about making homemade cold brew coffee is that you can experiment with different ratios of coffee to water, different kinds of coffee beans, and how long the coffee brews at room temperature. Personally, I like a medium roast coffee cold-brewed for 24 hours and a dark roast for 20 hours. Have some fun and find your sweet spot!